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Publication ID: PEP24-03-001
SAMHSA’s updated Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit provides guidance to a wide range of individuals on preventing and responding to an overdose. The toolkit also emphasizes that harm reduction and access to treatment are essential aspects of overdose prevention.
Publication ID: PEP23-03-00-001
SAMHSA’s updated Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit provides guidance to a wide range of individuals on preventing and responding to an overdose. The toolkit also emphasizes that harm reduction and access to treatment are essential aspects of overdose prevention.
Publication ID: SMA15-4416SPANISH

Este kit de herramientas ayuda a los centros para personas mayores a integrar la prevención del suicidio en actividades que apoyan el bienestar. Describe actividades que aumentan los factores de protección y explica cómo reconocer las señales de alerta del suicidio.

Publication ID: SMA18-5071

This series of four fact sheets emphasizes the importance of continuing a mother's treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) throughout pregnancy. The series includes information on OUD and pregnancy, OUD treatment, neonatal abstinence syndrome, and considerations to address before hospital discharge.

Publication ID: SMA03-3824

Designed for organizations that provide services to older adults, this toolkit offers information and materials to help understanding the issues associated with substance misuse and mental illness in older adults. The toolkit also contains materials to educate older adults.

Publication ID: SMA15-4878SPANISH

Muchas madres luchan diariamente con la depresión y muchas de ellas ni siquiera saben que están deprimidas. Este kit de herramientas está diseñado para los proveedores comunitarios, incluyendo los que trabajan en programas de visitas al hogar; los trabajadores del programa WIC; y el personal de Head Start Temprano, Head Start y otros programas de cuidado de niños.

Publication ID: SMA14-4878

This toolkit equips providers with information about depression, and offers strategies in working with mothers who may be depressed. The toolkit includes resources, referrals and handouts for depression, and screening tools for more serious depression.

Publication ID: SMA15-4416

This toolkit helps senior centers integrate suicide prevention into activities that support well-being. It describes activities that increase protective factors, and explains how to recognize the warning signs of suicide.

Publication ID: SMA13-4757

This toolkit discusses the prevalence of mental illness and substance use disorders in the United States. It describes behavioral health needs and service use, and offers guidance for determining the appropriate mix of behavioral health benefits, services, and providers.

Publication ID: SMA12-4669

This toolkit assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. The toolkit includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students. Access the high school kit promotional flyer.

Displaying 1 - 10 out of 18