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Publication ID: PEP23-06-01-002

This publication is a product of the HEALing Communities Study (HCS) and informed by the Communities That HEAL (CTH) Intervention Manual as well as integral contributions from research and community partners across four research sites. This guide was developed in recognition of the need to center community engagement throughout the efforts to address the opioid overdose crisis.
This guide exists to help communities decrease opioid overdose deaths; it includes tools and real-world examples that can be used to build and strengthen community coalitions that work to reduce opioid overdose deaths.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-007

Ofrece consejos para ayudar a los socorristas a prevenir y manejar el estrés. Incluye estrategias para ayudar a los socorristas a prepararse para la tarea que les ha sido asignada, tomar precauciones para reducir el estrés mientras cumplen con la tarea asignada, y manejar el estrés en la fase de recuperación de dicha asignación.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-010

This resource discusses the long-term impact of trauma, including personal uncertainties, family relationship changes, work disruptions, and financial concerns. Tips for overcoming these challenges are included.

Publication ID: PEP23-06-01-001

This guide was drawn from HEALing Communities Study (HCS) learnings to-date and expert insights to provide guidance regarding implementation of ORCCA menu strategies.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-003

Es un recurso útil para que usen los padres, cuidadores y educadores después de un desastre o un evento traumático. Explica cómo ayudar a los niños y jóvenes hacer frente a estos eventos y además contiene una lista de recursos útiles.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-012

A guide for parents, caregivers, and teachers on how to talk with and help children and youth cope in the aftermath of a disaster or traumatic event. It explains how to help children and young people cope with these events and also contains a list of useful resources.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-009

Ofrece consejos y estrategias que pueden usar las familias de soccoristas para ayudarlos a adaptarse a la vida diaria cuando regresan a casa. Describe las cosas que se deben tener en cuenta al ajustarse al regreso de un ser querido, cuáles son las señales de estrés y cuándo se debe buscar ayuda.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-008

This tip sheet describes aspects of the transition families go through when a member returns home after a disaster deployment. It also suggests ways that family members can navigate the transition and support the responder in coping with the return home.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-006

This fact sheet presents individual and organizational approaches for preventing and managing stress among emergency response and public safety workers. It describes normal reactions to a disaster, signs of the need for stress management, and strategies for handling stress.

Publication ID: PEP23-01-01-005

Ayuda a los socorristas a identificar cuáles son las señales de advertencia del uso indebido del alcohol, de medicamentos recetados y de otras sustancias. Repasa los indicadores físicos, emocionales, sociales, conductuales y mentales de un posible abuso de sustancias y ayuda a determinar cuándo deben buscar ayuda.

Displaying 51 - 60 out of 777